A Writer's Life

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Monday, April 16, 2012


Sailing on the ship of emotions,

Imbalanced and floating on the direction of waves,

Splashing memories on water

Reflecting dense waves on my thoughtlessness

Caught in the past, 

Unable to move ahead,

The sea water of emotions...

seems like an island to me

I want to halt here, breathe here, live here

The passage of time swiftly crosses by

and what will be left is yet more memories

What is there to look ahead for me?

Success and accomplishment seems like losing life's moments and memories

...but a reason for hidden passion and ecstasy to surface

...like whales on the mouth of water

I earn these moments to inscribe my emotion

leaving behind the success notion

Success to me means nothing more than sheer destiny, I am destined to meet

My passion is writing my emotions, my memories

The inexplicable is explicable in here, but the explicable is not. 

Incomprehensible but beautiful emotions are inscribed in thoughts

These are together woven as one

...through my words tying a knot