A Writer's Life

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

I Am Sorry I Don’t Love You

My letter to society

I am sorry I don’t love you

Coz I know you don’t love me either

And I am done with this one-sided love story

I haven’t taken anything from you...

To return to you

I am done being nice to you

And yet I’d be

Coz that’s how I am brought up to be!

I don’t love you anymore and never more than my folks and family

I refuse to leave behind me the memories of fear and being cornered just because of my experiences with you, oh society,

I should’ve fought, yes! I should’ve stood for my team, my family, yes, yes!

But I gave in to your pressures

And you didn’t care for me

You still weren’t impressed

And you never shall be!

Coz you know how to be authoritative

And slave is not me!

This goodbye letter doesn’t end with any best wishes for you from me

And yet I wish the best for you coz you are a reflection of us, of who we have made you to be

Although I am going to live with you, co-exist with you but I’d care and love myself and my own without you having to support me

I won’t pray you anymore neither look for validation from you

Coz I don’t really care and yet I care about you

I don’t coz you won’t and I do coz I live with you and in you, oh society!

You and your people just know how to make life miserable,

And I don’t bow to such Lords who hold captive the innocent in fear

I’d rather be and stay strong and hold close those who are my dear

And lastly, please mind your own business and don’t dare to comment again on my loved ones or me

Coz I never asked for your opinions and your judgement you can keep to yourself

Coz you’ve decided to rot from within

While I want to uplift myself 

You are a quicksand and you will pull me back into you

Yet again I will think of how I present myself before you

Or so you may think and I will let you think so

But I have understood one thing 

That you’re neither a friend nor foe

Whatever you are, you won’t change for me

And whether you do or not, I declare myself free

Free from you and your ideas about me

Free from your lovers and guardians

Oh society, just let me be!