A Writer's Life

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 I spoke a lot

And then I stopped

I wrote a lot

Then I stopped

Silence was me communicating

My aloofness was me communicating 

My love was dying, breathing its last

But then the loud waves of the ocean

Broke the silence in me

Sang the rhythm of the sad song

And I too sang along

My face had sprinkles of water of the ocean

or so I thought

It was tears finally

And I felt something shifting within me

Something coming to surface

The dark clouds of sadness finally found its way

Through tears, poured my heart

And a smile had its way

I still feel the void in my heart

But now I know this stillness is required

I am healing

Nature healed me

Thank you Ocean!

For you carry not just the heavy water within you

But the secrets of everyone who come to visit you

You read hearts

And you read minds

You show us what being mighty means

It means to forgive

It means to give

It means to move on

It means to stay still

It means to mop and sweep

The cobwebs of old, disturbing memories

You taught me to love myself

You taught me to live again

Oh Ocean, you are truly deep!